Untitled (Robin), Oil on Canvas, 100 x 120, 2015


Ashes77 is an artist and writer living and working in Mexico City's Historic Center. He studied painting and has painted and worked as a copywriter and blogger for 25 years. His interests include contemporary issues in visual and electronic communications as well as in historical, esoteric, and political themes.

The website, StudioofAshes.com, is an ongoing documentation of the work, and some of the research that goes into the work. It's also an invitation to the non-arts public to reconsider the roles, insights, values, and possibilities of visual arts practice.

This website evolved from the old blogger site, also called "Studio of Ashes," and where many of the issues currently being confronted originally came to light. Not least among these are questions about artists' websites, blogging, and making, sharing and improving artistic experience.

Inquiries are welcome from the Contact page.


Guests are also invited to follow me on Instagram (where contents are of decidedly broader interest).

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