Metro Panti Guestbook

Espero que hayas disfrutado de la exposición en Metro Pantitlán, abajo hay espacio suficiente para que me digas qué te pareció. Por favor se respetuoso con los demás visitantes. Es un gran Metro, gracias por ayudar a mejorarlo...

Works from August 2020 - 3

These are exercise works from a course in painting I took in August of 2020. Rather than retaking better pics, i’m just posting the working photos here so i don’t lose them, because I will, eventually.

The last work of each day was the food I’d eaten that day.

‘Cause I finished late each night, i had to shoot photos in artificial light so there’s some glare on these.

Color painting of a black and white photo, then a black and white photo of the color painting.

Meal painting including original photo, and black and white sketch of the meal. (it was a fish filet and rice)