Perhaps "Studies" is sometimes a more appropriate word than at other times.

I think every painter realizes sometimes that the thinking is happening in the painting, through the paint, and on the painted surface.

I have no doubt that this series, which I can comfortably say, was perfectly successful for me, hails back - even way back - to work I was doing in 2001.

I've always studied Warhol. Maybe he was even the first I ever studied. He's certainly the one I've studied the longest, and probably the most intensely. I don't think he is well understood. I think he is very broadly misunderstood, even by lots of very bright people.

I don't consider this series a "study," in any real sense, of Warhol's work, but it is a study that borrowed, usefully, from something that I remember in that much broader body of work.

- March 2018