Redemption is a work.

Eastern mandala created by a patient of Jung. Several of these mandalas are published alongside Jung's commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower. [Source]

Eastern mandala created by a patient of Jung. Several of these mandalas are published alongside Jung's commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower. [Source]

"Now, all these myth-pictures represent a drama of the human psyche on the further side of consciousness, showing man as both the one to be redeemed and the redeemer. The first formulation is Christian, the second alchemical. In the first case man attributes the need of redemption to himself and leaves the work of redemption, the actual opus, to the autonomous divine figure; in the latter case man takes upon himself the duty of carrying out the redeeming opus, and attributes the state of suffering and consequent need of redemption to the anima mundi imprisoned in matter. In both cases redemption is a work."

- Carl Jung




Ashes77 is an artist and writer who lives and works in the Historical Center of Mexico City. His work revolves around themes of death, renewal, alchemical rebirth, biblical prophecy, socialist insurgency and the apocalypse.