The new Black King series (February 2018)

My photography critic friends will undoubtedly chime in, but the new Black King series is coming together. Frankly, so far I think it includes 14 works, paintings on panel, though I may get one done on canvas too. 


Black King XIV, oil on panel, 20 x 30, 2018

Black King XIV, oil on panel, 20 x 30, 2018

I'm not big on blogging unfinished works, but this one is unlikely to change. Funny enough, i think I'm working on 21 white paintings at the same time. Maybe I will blog one of those too. 

Here's Jung on the Black King:

 'the nigredo of the process of individuation on the other hand is a subjectively experienced process brought about by the subject's painful, growing awareness of his shadow aspects'. It could be described as a moment of maximum despair, that is a prerequisite to personal development. As individuation unfolds, so 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective or even impossible...nigredo, tenebrositas, chaos, melancholia'. Here is 'the darkest time, the time of despair, disillusionment, envious attacks; the time when Eros and Superego are at daggers drawn, and there seems no way forward...nigredo, the blackening'

 - Source


Ashes77 is an artist and writer who lives and works in the Historical Center of Mexico City. His work revolves around themes of death, renewal, alchemical rebirth, biblical prophecy, socialist insurgency and the apocalypse.